Who we are

Vestena: a love story for nature born over twenty years ago

Lionello Vestena approached the use of Aloe over twenty years ago.
Founder of Vestena, he is a Dietitian, Naturopath and Flori therapist with forty years of experience as a Consultant in Floral Essences.
Lionello's experience

In 1994 he met Father Romano Zago on his first conference in Italy, knowing more about the healing properties and effectiveness of Aloe Arborescens and since then he has begun to use this fantastic plant first for his family and then for the people who began to turn to him.
Impressed by the contribution that this plant can give in the prevention and recovery of health and for maintaining shape, he accompanies with suggestions and food indications for maintaining a correct lifestyle with the use of fresh Aloe Arborescens juice.
Read more about Lionello Vestena's training path
“Flowers are visible emotions”
Professional training path:
University diploma
in "Economics and product categories of food" University of Padua, Verona branch, 1979 thesis "Vegetarian food, nutritional and economic considerations"
"Paul Carton" School of Naturopathy - Ist Palatini, Salzano, Venice, 2005 thesis "Bach Flowers, catalysts of the Soul"
Consultant in Flower Essences
Three-year course of Research and Training in Flower Therapy, 2008 Union of Flower Therapy of Milan thesis "Bach Flowers: an emotional support for the Elderly affected by Parkinson's disease"
IAS- Interassociation of Arts for Health Recognition of professional, deontological and qualitative requirements (11/11/2012)
Specialization and in-depth seminars
Bush Flower (Australian Flowers) with Ian White FES, Californian Flowers with Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz Bach Flowers (Healing Herbs) with Julian Barnard Healing and Transformation with Wild Animal Essences with Daniel Mapel
Basic complete aromatology and subtle aromatology, teacher Laura Savo
Speaker and Lecturer in Training Courses and Dissemination Activities
C.A.M. - Milan
University of the Third Age, Kindergarten - Ronco all'Adige (Vr)
Mycological Association "Bresadola" - Mirano (Ve)
Villa Donà delle rose - S. Stefano di Zimella (Vr)
Health Course - Toscolano Maderno (Bs)
Club Noi - Arcole (Vr)
Club Noi - Minerbe (Vr)
Eating and wellness course: Municipality of Verona - VI District, Municipality of Orgiano (Vi), Municipality of Sossano (Vi), Sporting Club Verona (Vr)
....and more...curiosities
From January 2002 to March 2012 - President of the Opere Riunite Don Luigi Rossi of Arcole - VR, made up of a Senior Services Center (Retirement home with 103 guests), nursery school (110 children) and integrated nursery school (25 children) 2000 year of the Jubilee, from Arcole to Rome on foot with 2 friends, Roberto and Battista, about 450 km in 14 days
Our philosophy

We walk the Path of Nature to achieve harmony and well-being
According to Vestena philosophy, the well-being of the body is achieved thanks to a better quality of life, also thanks to the use of natural products.
Our aim? Provide natural products, without any industrial manipulation or addition of preservatives in compliance with current regulations.

Request a consultation
The extraordinary properties of Aloe Arborescens and its healing properties are more effective in the context of a correct and healthy lifestyle.
For this reason, we offer the possibility of accompanying the wellness path of the fresh juice of Aloe Arborescens and of all our products with some simple indications and useful suggestions, free of charge and with great professional competence.
Aloe Arborescens Vestena: acquista i nostri prodotti
Acquista direttamente online il succo di Aloe Arborescens Vestena e inizia il tuo percorso verso uno stile di vita salutare. Vuoi conoscere tutte le proprietà di questa incredibile pianta?
Aloe pain cream
Aloe Pain Cream by Vestena is a Gel based on Aloe Vera and Aloe Arborescens to be used to soothe pain and fatigue resulting from normal sporting activity.
100ml pack
Aloe leg cream
Leg cream with Aloe Arborescens by Vestena is a gel product that gives relief and reduces the feeling of heaviness and tiredness in the legs.
100ml pack
Moisturizing Aloe cream
Moisturizing cream with Aloe by Vestena is a gel based on Aloe Vera and Aloe Arborescens obtained in our laboratories with extreme care of the raw material.
100ml pack
Colloidal silver with aloe arborescens
Silverwater with Aloe Arborescens by Vestena is a product based on Colloidal Silver and Aloe Arborescens gel obtained from our plants grown outdoors, under the Sicilian sun.
100ml pack